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The band name was actually inspired by the Seinfeld reference, “what’s the deal with airline food?” We’re not sure why we chose it, but it’s catchy and people don’t forget it.















We all knew each other through school and during the summer holidays of 2015/16 hung out a lot and jammed for a bit of fun at the Seah’s house. We’ve all grown up learning instruments and being around music, and Tom and Jack are brothers, so we managed to gel together quite well. We recorded a few song ideas we had from the jams and it wasn’t until a few months later that we decided to actually release them and upload them to SoundCloud. We then landed our first gig due to Jack Seah and Annear’s other band at the time being unable to perform, and thus, Airline Food was born.  

Our favourite 2000's jam's probably ‘Time to Pretend’ by MGMT from their 2007 album Oracular Spectacular. It’s all about some kids with a dream to be famous rockstars and wanting to break away from the norm of being stuck in a boring office job for the rest of their life. It’s a good message because it also highlights the importance of family and keeping a leveled head which can be hard to maintain when you acquire fame.

The Perth music scene is so supportive and friendly so don’t be afraid to give it a go. Make sure to rehearse often because sometimes when we don’t rehearse for a while we come back feeling rusty. If you don’t have time to rehearse, at least just find time to practice your instruments at home in your spare time so you are staying sharp for when you need to play.


We are Airline Food and yes, we are better than the stuff you get served on planes… or at least we’d like to think so. We are a four piece band in studio with Jack Annear on lead guitar/vocals, Jack Seah on drums, Conor Levy on keyboard/synth and Tom Seah on bass. Our music can be classified as indie, alternative, psychedelic electro synth pop rock but we play anything from 60's psych rock jams to 80's synth pop songs.


Usually one of us will have an idea for some chords, or a certain riff that we will bring to rehearsal, and then we try to jam it for a while. If it sounds good, then we’ll record it all and we tend to write lyrics last. The song-writing mainly comes from the Jacks though as they both have solo projects that they write music for, but pretty much anything can be an inspiration for our song-writing and we try to keep it as open-ended as possible. That way people can make their own interpretations of our songs. The lyrics can have a different meaning to each one of us and that’s how we like it.

We are big fans of Mac DeMarco so our favourite cover to play would have to be ‘For the First Time’ from his album, This Old Dog.



interview by: ella wylynko

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