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I have dabbled in a lot over the years - oils, watercolours, inks, fabrics, drawing, writing, printmaking, comic drawing, bookmaking! - but currently, I am limited to just watercolours as I am traveling through Latin America! Hope to make oil paintings of my watercolour ones when I return home - for a colourful new exhibition.


I am really interested in exploring and understanding dreams, about acknowledging the importance of the visions our minds create when we are sleeping! Our minds are capable of so much. 









A lot of my art is inspired by dreams, visions, and memories.

I mostly paint female figures and generally, they are either self-portraits (not in the physical sense but in symbolic) or contain elements of my sister or mother (or other women I am influenced by). My mother passed away when I was very young and quite a few paintings contain her or show in abstract ways about how I have dealt with that over my life. I also paint a lot of things that contain references to mental health – I’m a massive advocate for being open about mental health, and also appreciating the highs and lows we all experience (because without them... we would be beige!).


I am also massively inspired by other artists such as Tracey Emin, Jean Michael Basquiat, Leonhard Cohens poetry, and of course my dreams and other peoples dreams. At the moment I am also obsessed with the desert, and so a lot of my artworks are desert based. 


Here are few from the exhibition I held in March this year...


1. Mother Keeping the Fire Aglow. This was loosely based on a friends’ mums’ dream, and linked elements of a mother calling out to her children in an unconventional way. It was for my friend and her mum but it also had a lot of elements that made me emotional too. It was my mum calling out to me, and also me calling out to my mum. 


2. Wave Conjuror - this one was based on beach memories as a kid! My sister always said that when I got into the water the waves got bigger and so I had this idea that the sea welcomed me and maybe I had some special power.


3. Mother, Sister, Desert, Stars. I have been creating this piece over and over for years, I don’t know where it originated but it’s an ode to my sister and mother and the painting is of an impossible place - where in my mind - they protect me.


The pieces for my exhibition were loosely put into a narrative, it only really made sense to me, but, it narrated the state my mind had been in for the month leading up to creating the pieces. I created them in isolation in my grandparents’ house and was so nice to be away from everything to really focus and project what my mind had been experiencing.


My advice for young artists is to never stop experimenting! There are so many different forms of art and sometimes it takes a while to find your true passion. Don’t listen to anyone who says ‘Oh you can’t live off art / I don’t get art’ – that’s not the point. Art is a living. 



Please reach out to me with vivid dreams! They give me life and keep me inspired :)



interview by: ella wylynko

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