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 Megan Grace  


What ever the significance, something as simple as your phone background, may represent something entirely different to you than me.







Through my eyes, a photo isn't merely an item of aesthetics, rather a memory a frozen moment.
A photograph represents a doorway, through which a unique chance to perceive someone else world


"Ones perceived attributes of life in

F I X E D   M O T I O N"

What inspires you?

I get inspired by so many different aspects of life. Physical and emotional. I mostly write about my personal emotional reactions to different situations, however things like random inanimate objects and landscapes inspire me as well.


What does music mean to you?

Music means the absolute world to me, it is a form of self expression and is something loved by all cultures. It is a language in which the whole world speaks, I think it's beautiful


  Sarah Jeffrey   

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