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What is your artistic medium?

I try to stick by the rules of making everything I put out unusual and something that opens your mind up to a new opinion or idea. I usually do this with photography and photoshop every now and again I’ll do it with a short film.



Where do you find inspiration?

It comes to me randomly. I often see or hear something that gives me an idea throughout the day. Sometimes it’s in the way someone can manoeuvre their body. Sometimes it’s in the way something is edited or created. Sometimes it’s even the way someone skates. Nevertheless no matter where and how I feel inspired, I always keep a note book on me and I draw up the idea as soon it comes to me.

What are you trying to show about Perth / youth through your art?

Perth’s not a boring place, it’s all about how you look at and treat Perth. Go out of your comfort zone and explore something new. I’m not saying you need to go out and rooftop a building or go trespass into some abandoned site. I’m saying try a new sport, hobby or activity that you’ve never tried or done before. If you still think Perth is boring after that, I pray for your future because, with that attitude no where else is going to be any more enjoyable.

Perth is a sick place because…?

I’m still a student in school so for me it’s a perfect place to grow up. Not too big yet, not too small. For everyone else, either out of school or in I reckon it’s pretty cool place because, it’s very diverse and I feel as if everyone here is quite acceptant to new ideas and originality. 


What message do you want to tell to other Perth kids?

Don’t listen to celebrities. What they say means as little as what they get payed for saying it. They have already succeeded and most of the time it’s not because they worked for it.

Favourite thing to do?

I really enjoy exploring and adventuring, doesn’t matter where as long as its new to me I like it.


Anything else?

Skateboarding, film making, writing literature and photography.

Have any advice?

Be a free thinker. Start hanging out with less like-minded others. Stop watching news on cable tv, it’s all bias corrupt crap. Think about why you do certain things. Start questioning more of everyday life. And last but not least, socialise with randoms whenever you get the chance to.

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